Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dead Letters

What a tragedy,
They had to part,
In silence & tears,
With a broken-heart,
Nothing said,Nothing spoken,
Too shocked,to give,a proper expression,
Both still confused about,
What was the reason,
To part,
To cut short,
What was so beautiful,
To stop believing in,
Something so wonderful,

How could they not reconsider,
Not apply a 2nd thought,
& In silence,searching for an answer,
Till they each other,forgot....
They were sad,
They had their share of mistakes,
And things going bad,
They even made each other cry,
& Still to mend sometimes,they didn't try,
But life isn't a happy movie song,
Even with the right people sometimes,
The times,they are wrong;

Indeed,they were in love,
Had a yearning to see each other,
& Stay this way forever,
All it required was a little effort,
To show each other they'll care,
Through trials & tribulations,
And moments of dispair,
But slowly,yet hastily,
they drifted away from each other,
Not thinking once calmly,
About the times,they were together,
But maybe,they did think,
But kept it in their hearts,
Things they should have said,
Each hoping,the other will initiate,
& Look forward,to a happy life ahead,
But instead,
Countless tears they shed,
All their emotions,
Very much dead,
And to a new life,they both fled,
To an unsettling compromise,
Where they could smile,
Yet cry inside,
Think of those beautiful memories,
Those wonderful harmonies,
So much yet unexplored,left untried.

In their heart however,
Every moment spent they hold dear,
So far away from each other,
Yet so near,
Their strength their proximity,
Thought it'll last way past eighty,
Yet masters of our fate we are,
What we do,so will our destiny decide,
Whether we are accepted,
Or forever denied.....

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