Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The need to write

With all you can,
With all your might,
It's the best way,
For you to fight.

Be honest and furious,
Write with zeal,
Always be curious,
There's a lot to be forgotten,
Writing your heart out,
Penning down every emotion,
...It's the only way.

You can analyse,
You can realize,
The only way,
You can overcome,
The past;
Put your soul in these words,
Cry if you must,
As you realize your mistake,
But grow from strength to strength,
It's foolish to wait.

Every thought,
Express it,no matter what,
For these words from within,
Are your guiding light,
To build upon a future,
Hale,Hearty & Bright...

As this pen moves ahead,
It helps to explore,
The stream of thoughts,
Makes one understand,
It helps to fight,with those negative feelings,
Forget the bitter ones,
& Cherish,the beautiful memories.

Make it a habit,
Make it a 2nd nature,
For it helps to understand,
Rectify & Learn,
From the mistakes of the past;
A momentary regret you many feel,
As you write it out,
But trust me,
It's just a passing thought,
Once closed in these pages....
It's Forever lost.

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