Monday, June 15, 2009

The friend in me

The friend in me
Promises to be true to you,
No matter what the day,
Says he, he'll be there for you,
And Listen to what you have to say,
He promises to keep secrets for you,
Says he, he'll never go away,
Cuz. for a friend,says he,like you,
It's the least he can do.

This friend in me,
Has a heart of gold,
I assure it,
He'll give warmth,whenever you feel cold,
And he'll be there,
To care,
And when you need someone to hold,

He'll be your friend,
Till this world comes to an end,
He's gonna forever stay,
By your side...Night and day,
He'll be there to listen to you,
He'll be there to care,
To multiply your joys,
And your sorrows to share.

All he needs is a chance,
To show what a friend he can be,
He doesn't need any justification,
But he will be a good friend,
As you want him to be,

He'll make you laugh, He'll make you smile,
He'll make the time you spent with him,
He'll do all that he can,
To increase this, Beautiful friendship span,

He's the one,
Whom you can confide in,
And your secrets,
You can trust in him,
I promise,that he'll keep all of them inside of him,
[And never let them out]
And always keep them in,

The remaining part of the poem I have put out cuz I need to rework on this poem to make it sound and feel right. I ll get back on this poem soon. Cya.

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